07-18-2016 06:26 AM
I am using cRIO Module.
I am taking input from one of the cRIO's Analog Input Channels, on the fpga target
And then importing these values to RT module for signal processing.
However when i am connecting one of the imported channels to a filter,it shows an error stating " the source is fixed point number and the sink is dynamic data type"
How to carry out this conversion?
07-18-2016 06:57 AM
You don't. Use one of the actual Filter VIs instead of one of the Express VIs. Look in the Signal Processing->Filters palette.
07-18-2016 11:17 AM
07-18-2016 11:19 PM
what do you mean?
If someone asks for help, you help him JIM.
07-18-2016 11:22 PM
i also need to use tone measurement which isnt available
07-18-2016 11:53 PM
only point by point filter works..
how is it different from normal filter?
07-19-2016 05:30 AM
@Bgmnt wrote:And,
only point by point filter works..
how is it different from normal filter?
You would actually be having the same issue with the dynamic data version since you only have a single point.
Need more information here: What is your sample rate? How are you transfering the data from the FPGA to the RT? Code could especially be useful here.
07-20-2016 05:36 AM
I havent really set up the sampling rate anywhere but my signal belongs to 0- 20 Hz.
I am sending the data using FIFO
07-20-2016 06:52 AM
@Bgmnt wrote:Hi,
I havent really set up the sampling rate anywhere but my signal belongs to 0- 20 Hz.
I am sending the data using FIFO
Sampling rate will be determined by your FPGA loop rate.
Another thought here: you should probably do your filtering in the FPGA. It can handle the math a lot better than the Real-Time and it would help avoid some of this confusion.
07-21-2016 06:40 AM
tone measurement isnt available in fpga toolbox