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NI robotRio firmware update

Not sure is this is the best place but here it goes..

The team that used our NI robotRIO in 2015 set a Admin password. There is no way to get a hold of the students and we don't know the previous advisor.
I have looked and looked but I can't find any way to remove or reset the admin password. I can't update the firmware without the password either.

I can log into the unit via SSH with the user LVUSER but that user does not have permissions for anything.
There seems to be a root user, but there is also a password set.

The current image is FRC_robotRIO_2015_v23 and we want to update to FRC_robotRIO_2018_v16.
If we try to update without a username and password in FRC robotRIO Imaging Tool Version 18.0 we get a error:

Unable to download image to target. Unable to complete operation because of unexpected error:nisyscfg.lvlib:Format<APPEND>

<b>Complete call chain:</b>

Does anyone have any ideas how to reset a password?


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Try the default username and password for roboRIOs first. The default username is admin and the default password is a blank space (do not type anything). 

If this does work for you and you cannot find the password, you can contact our National Instruments FIRST Support team and they can assist you. You can contact the team at 1(866)511-6285. 

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