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Syncing anlog input with digital outputs on NI-6341 with matlab


I’m trying to build a simple pump probe experiment with the NI 6341usb , the main idea is to generate two digital pluses with a desired delay between them, and to  get an analog input read which is synced with the second digital pulse.


I am using matlab, and I am able to generate the digital pulses but I can’t find any documentation about how to attach an input channel to something.

Any clarification on the “external” trigger and its use will be appreciated, and basically any idea on how to set it via matlab syntax, I couldn’t find this in their documentation.

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Message 1 of 4

If you're determined with the experiment, are you open to moving to a different language such as LabVIEW, C, C#, Python? because the MATLAB's porting of DAQmx is simplified and doesn't allow you use all features of the advanced hardware.

Soliton Technologies

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Message 2 of 4

Thank you for the reply 

I don’t mind switching to python if that will simplify things.. could you point out to some helpful resources?

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Message 3 of 4

@Jojo1326 wrote:

Thank you for the reply 

I don’t mind switching to python if that will simplify things.. could you point out to some helpful resources?

Using a NI DAQ Device with Python and NI DAQmx in Windows

Applications Engineer | TME Systems
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