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Xilinx Chipscope on FlexRIO PXIe-7965R & Labview 2010

We are trying to operate the on-chip FPGA debugging using Xilinx Chipscope.
We used the following tutorial :,
but there was some versions problem, since the tutorial is for Xilinx tools ver 10.1 and in Labview 2010 uses the 11.5 version.
Our main problem is - when we are going trough the tutorial, the chipscope analyzer recognizes the cable, but claims that "Device is not configured".

In the attached file you can see the tutorial we used and in yellow frames  (pages 22,23,30,36 & 37) the snapshots of errors we received in each step.

We either need the updated tutorial for Labview 2010 + Xilinx tools 11.5 or some tips how to overcome the errors.

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Message 1 of 6

Hey Eli,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. That example should upgrade to LabVIEW 2010 fine.  LabVIEW FPGA 2010 uses Xilinx 11.5 tools for all targets except Virtex-II targets, so the ChipScope interface may look a little different, but the steps should be pretty much the same. 

Message 2 of 6

Hi Jordan,


We followed the the Labveiw 8.6 tutorial but it didn't worked since there is a difference between Xilinx tools ver 10.1 and 11.5.

In the file I attached to my previous message you can see the the NI tutorial for Labview 8.6 and in yellow frames the errors we received.

Can you please give us some tips on how to overcome those errors.




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Message 3 of 6

Thanks for your patience. I have brought this to the attention of our R&D department and we have been able to reproduce this issue. Currently we are determining what steps (if any) can be taken to fix the issue with the device not being configured. I will post back to this forum once I hear back from R&D regarding a work-around.



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Message 4 of 6

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.  It seems that something in the ICON core may have changed between version 10.1 and version 11.5, which is causing the JTAG communication to fail.  In order to use the tutorial with a non-Virtex-II target in LabVIEW FPGA 2010, you can use the Xilinx 10.1 tools to generate the ICON and ILA cores, then import them using CLIP in 2010.  We are currently investigating what may need to change to allow this to work with the 11.5 tools exclusively.

I put the note about using the 10.1 tools for core generation on the tutorial download page and also put a link to a forum for support of the tutorial.  Since this is not an officially released product, a separate forum is set up that is monitored by R&D developers familiar with ChipScope and the tutorial.  If you have further questions or feedback, please post them here.

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Message 5 of 6

We used the the Xilinx 10.1 tools to generate the ICON and ILA cores and import them using CLIP in Labview 2010. Now we had all needed files and the process went smoothly, but still in Chipscope analyzer we received the same message saying “Device is not configured”.
So the problem is still exists and we are unable to use Chipscope tool in Labview 2010.

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Message 6 of 6