05-19-2016 07:57 AM
i am currently working with cRIO9075, i need to enhance my time for I/O operation. Will changing the I/o c modules help to make it fast or do i get a cRIO9063?
05-19-2016 08:25 AM
We need A LOT more information here. What modules are you currently using? What are you measuring? What rate are you writing/reading it at? What rate do you want to write/read at? Are you using the FPGA interface or the Scan Engine? What processing are you doing? Care to share some code to give us a lot more context?
05-19-2016 09:30 AM
Im sorry the code is confidential. But im using cRIO 9075 hardware to simulate a Hydrographic synchorinising unit, its a very basic processing- We read the Inputs and generate Outputs based on the inputs. The bottle neck in the process is the Scan Engine. At current it takes 1/2 mili second to read and 1/2 mili second to write. We want it to be less than 100micro second. Im using NI 9472 & NI 9425 modules for I/O.
The following are some of my questions and would be glad if you could answer them:
1) the measurements of 1/2 mili second were taken on LABView 2012, will it improve as we use LABView2015.
2) Will a change of I/O module help bring down the I/O time using scan interface to 100micro second for both read & write? if yes could you suggest me which I/O module to go for which is compatible with cRIO 9075 and will be cost effective for the task.
05-19-2016 10:44 AM
About the best the Scan Engine can do is about an update every 1ms. If you want to go faster, you need to move at least some of your processing to the FPGA.
05-20-2016 08:53 AM
Is that the only option that i have left? Coz moving to FPGA would be costly. Is there anything else you could recommend?