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sbRIO 9651 SoM Unique Identification UID

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Dear allmighty LabVIEWers,


for our test-system I intend on using multiple SoM units as controll instances, for this purpose I would like to assign the IP dynamically.


For our current system we use the UID-chip inside the uC and did a CRC-32 the 128bit UID address in order to obtain a unique MAC address and then generate the IP-address from this.


My question being: Is there some way of obtaining a UID from a Hardware component inside the sbRIO 9651?


If not has anyone had any experience storing values to the NAND-Flash as a read only value?


Help is greatfully appreciated !

"Anything can be done if you only think about it hard enough..."
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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author SerjsVIEW

Dear SerjsVIEW


Do you plan to override the MAC address of a NIC?

There is no special UID-chip in the SoM which you can access.


What you can do is to access system information with the "System Configration API". There you get information like ProductID, SerialNumber, Product Name, NIC MAC address.

Get System Information.png


I hope that helps you.

Kind regards,
Message 2 of 3

Hi Andreas,


Thanks for this helpful post, that's pointing in exactly the direction I was looking for!


What I want to do is build a flashing tool that can set the IP dynamically so that upon code deployment, the MAC and IP are set to my desired values. Following the proposed approach in Dr. Steinwender's PhD Thesis.

This time not using uC but an FPGA as control module.

Thank you for your time!


Best regards,



Uf'd Schwizr isch hald no vrlass! Smiley Happy




"Anything can be done if you only think about it hard enough..."
"... truth is a lie in disguise!"
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