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temperature measure with labview on four location using NTC thermistor

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For a project i got to built a temperature measurement with labview on four location using only thermistor.
Can some one help me with this project
How can buildt this project succely.
please any one.
send me e-mail to for contact

Message 1 of 11

Hi A.Koeyes,

First, it is not recommended to post your email address in a discussion forum. The National Instruments forums are public venues for solving problems and posting ideas.

Second, you are going to have to go into much more detail for anyone to help with your issue. With NI's DAQ boards you can easily measure temperatures from a thermistor using NI-DAQmx and LabVIEW.

Are you using an NI DAQ card? Can you measure successfully in the Measurement and Automation Explorer? Have you looked at any example programs for DAQ programming in LabVIEW?

With more information we can easily help you accomplish your task.



| Michael K | Project Manager | LabVIEW R&D | National Instruments |

Message 2 of 11
Accepted by koeyers
My project is measure temperatures from a thermistor on 4 difference place.
The measurements must be at 0 to 100 *C.

the details.
  • For the sensor i must use only NTC thermistor.
  • I must make a appllication with Labview.
  • the appllication must give me the right measurement in real time and it must record sample in a database.
  • this measurement is taken max 20 feet form the pc.

I am new with this.
Can some one can help me with circuits of sensor.
How can use DAQ with the thermistor.
Can i use
EMANT300 Low Cost USB 24 bit DAQ Module?????

Please some one give some idea

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11

Hello A.Koeyes,

It sounds like you are developing an application that utilizes LabVIEW to acquire and record data from four NTC thermistors.

To give you a bit a background on making temperature measurements reference the following resource:

Measuring Temperature with an RTD or Thermistor

This tutorial introduces and explains the concepts and techniques of measuring temperature with an RTD or Thermistor.

For information on how to program in LabVIEW a temperature acquisition task, take a look at the shipping examples. In LabVIEW, click on Help>>Find Examples. Now browse to Hardware Input and Output>>DAQmx>>Analog Measurement>>Temperature. There you will find several examples on this subject.

Now that you have figured out how to acquire data, this information can be written to a file, using a File I/O vi to record the data. You can use an express vi like the Write to Measurement vi or Write to Spreadsheet vi.

I'm not familiar with the EMANT300 hardware, but National Instruments also has USB acquisition devices. Take a look at the USB-9211,  USB-6009 or other USB DAQ devices. I need more information before I can really make a recommendation. What resolution do you need? What type of thermistor will you be using?

  Sandra T.

Applications Engineer | National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11

For a project i got to built a temperature measurement with labview on four location using only thermistor.
Can some one help me with this project
How can buildt this project succely.
please any one.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11

Hi Sandra T

i am faced with a similar problem... I have no knowledge of labview and I was given a school project to"

Design and implement a Thermistor temperature measurement system that will interface with LabView on a PC for graphical display. The system should be able to measure temperature between 20oC and 70oC and display the measurement on the PC." I am asking that you are anyone with knowledge of how labview works to share their knowledge with me... it would be greatly appreciated... 

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11

Hi Sandra T,


From your explanation, how do I achieve the same thing (i.e. measuring temperature) using the compactRIO? I followed the example finder but did not find any examples for temperature under the compactRIO.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11

Hi Rii. LabVIEW includes examples to measure temperature using a thermocouple in a cRIO. One example can be accessed in the "Find Example...", at the following route:

Hardware Input and Output>>CompactRIO>>Module Specific>>Analog INput>> NI 9211 Getting Started.lvproj 


If you cannot see this project, it is because you have not installed NI FPGA Module, NI Real-Time Module and NI-RIO driver.






José Manuel Vólquez Rodríguez

Applications Engineer, National Instruments México

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

 i have project to display human body temperature in labview , i dont know much about creat a block digrame , any body could help ?

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11

@freedom1633 wrote:

i dont know much about creat a block digrame , any body could help ?

This is a good time to learn LabVIEW.

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 11