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using Labview MathScript with cRIO to acquire/generate analog signals


Is it possible to use Labview MatcScript RT with cRIO 9082 to acquire and or generate

analog signals ? found this is possible with DAQmx

is it possible to do it with cRIO and MathScript?

Best Regards


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Message 1 of 4

Well I am not exactly sure if there is a corresponding command within Mathscript to read in IO in a cRIO (i.e. not using DAQmx), but in LabVIEW RT it is easy enough to access the IO channels outside a Mathscript node and simply wire them into the Mathscript node (assuming you will use the cRIO in Scan Interface mode, max update rate 1KHz). Its a bit more hands-on than using the DAQmx functions, requiring direct programming of any of signal processing, but often that's straightforward.

Consultant Control Engineer
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Message 2 of 4

will , i do understand your reply , however some test sequanncescripts  saved in text file includes digital and analog i/o could be loaded in MathScript without any problem except

the control part ( digital and analog i/o) should be implemented within MathScript , any ideas ?

Best Regards


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Message 3 of 4

I don't understand what you are asking - basically LabVIEW RT running on a cRIO, especially as part of control, will probably be operaring on IO data on a point-by-point basis, and it is really down to your ability to programme what you want in either the LabVIEW block part or the Mathscript part. If you are thinking like DAQmx which is much more of a sequence orientated, then it may seem a bit low level. You can still capture blocks of data, then process the data, then output it - but it requires more programming to do that. You can load test scripts / sequences from a text file into standard LV RT and/or into Mathscript. If you haven't used cRIO before it is probably worth reading the cRIO developers guide as there are a lot more low level things you need to consider, that is hidden when using DAQmx. It is of course much more flexible, down to your skill in programming in LV.

Consultant Control Engineer
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Message 4 of 4