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No communication when executing vi with ModbusView over TCP as .exe file

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Hello Olivier,

it is a firewall problem! I took a look at the firewall settings of the computer and found out that the communication of the EXE was blocked by it. LabView was not blocked and that´s the reason why it worked in the development environment. So I changed the firewall settings for the EXE and now the communication works fine.

Thank you very much for your help.


Message 11 of 12

Hello Marcus,

I'm glad to hear that the issue is fixed.

Have a good end of week and happy use of our ModBus toolkit.


Olivier Jourdan

Wovalab founder | DQMH Consortium board member | LinkedIn |

Stop writing your LabVIEW code documentation, use Antidoc!
Message 12 of 12