San Diego LabVIEW Users

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San Diego LabVIEW User Group Meeting on Thursday, 1/23/2020

Guthrie Ciderworks

6496 Marindustry Dr, San Diego, CA 92121

Thursday, 1/23/2020 at 6pm


Join us for the 1st San Diego user group meeting of 2020!


Jesse Zamora will present "Creating and Utilizing an Engineering Test Panel". He will demo and walk through a pop-up GUI element to access/edit system variables, sequences, and create custom buttons at run-time.


Presentation followed by more informal networking and application discussions. All experience levels welcome. Food and cider will be provided, courtesy of Aerotek!


Please RSVP by dropping a line in this thread so we can get a headcount!

And share our LinkedIn event with anyone you know who might be interested and doesn't spend time on the forums:

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

Bummer, I'll be out of town. Catch you at the next one!


Trip got cancelled, looks like I'll be able to make it after all. See you there!

Nathan Murphy
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

I'll be out of town as well, but I'm glad these keep happening and I hope I can make it to the next one.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

I'll be there!

Message 4 of 8

Personal matter to tend to.. sorry, last minute. 

Message 5 of 8

I'd love to meet you all and help how I can from NI, but my daughter's talent show is this evening.  I hope I can make the next one!  Thanks for maintaining this group and the LabVIEW community in San Diego!

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

I'll be there!  Thanks for the invite!

Message 7 of 8

Excited to see everyone tonight!

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 8