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Can I use a SCXI system with 1102Cs and 1120D AND control a GPIO on RTSI0?

I have a complex system with multiple DAQ cards and a SCXI chasis on a 6341.

I need to place a GPIO software controlled digital signal on RTSI0 (preferably).


Can I run the SCXI chassis AND use the 6341 card to control a TTL line on RTSI0?  Getting to the HW is difficult, so I would like to know this before I set out.  NI tech support has not been helpful getting this resolved.



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Hey Jed,


I just wanted to let you know that our support team is working on the issue, but if anyone else has other options we are welcome to any suggestions.  


We should get back with you soon,



J Newk
Systems Engineer
National Instruments
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