Signal Conditioning

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Inaccurate Impact Reading from ICP Force Sensor



I am very new to LabView and have inherited an SCXI-1001 chassis with an 1303 module connected to an 1102. I am trying to run an ICP Force Sensor from PCB through their signal conditioner to a simple Analog Input Voltage on the DAQ Assistant. It seems to behave properly with slower inputs (such as pressing on the sensor with a thumb), however, any sort of fast impulse is extremely inaccurate (whacking the sensor with a hammer produces the equivalent of a 5-8lb force). We have tried changing our sampling rate to no avail. Most of the tutorials/examples I have seen online seem overly complicated for what we are trying to do, but perhaps I am just too inexperienced with LabView. 


I will try to supply as much documentation as I can. 




Signal Conditioner:


I attached a picture of my setup for the Analog Input Voltage, the smooth rise is from my thumb and registered around 18lbs (1mV = 1lb) and the small sharp peak is from a firm strike with a hammer (only registering at  5lbs). 


Any thoughts as to why this may be happening would be greatly appreciated. 


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