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What means OEM MEMSTEC with reference to NI-9223 AI C series modules

I compare the two modules NI-9223 both ±10 V, 1 MS/s, 16-Bit, Simultaneous Input, 4-Channel C Series Voltage Input Module with different part numbers.


NI 9223 Screw Term OEM, +/-10 V AI Module (MEMSTEC ONLY) 

Part Number: 784535-01


NI 9223, +/-10 V, 16-Bit, 1 MS/s, 4-Ch, SS AI C Series Module

Part Number: 781398-01


The price is hugely different but the specs are the same (same datasheet) so what is the difference? What means MEMSTEC ONLY?


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I'm interested to know where comes the "MEMSTEC ONLY"?

I couldn't find any mention of it in the documetnations.


Additionally, I found a NI 9223 Getting Started Guide - National Instruments - 374223d.pdf and there is a mention about what is the difference between those devices.



They have different certifications basically.

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