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PXIe-5413 and locking to external 10Mhz Clock

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I have a 1 channel PXIe-5413 in a chassis (PXIe-1082).  I would like to frequency lock the 5413 to an external device using the 10Mhz signal in and out of the chassis. 


I experience a measurable phase shift (4 degrees on a 50Hz signal) during a 24 hour period indicating there is no phase locking when taking the 10Mhz signal out of the chassis and feeding it into HP 3326 synthesiser.  If I use the synthesiser to drive the 10Mhz signal and feed it into the chassis I get the same problem.


Studying the PXIe-5413 manual it synchronises with other instruments using the PXIe_Clk100 ( Can the PXIe_Clk100 be trained of the 10 Mhz external inputs, or is there some other method of synchronisation I have missed.


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Message 1 of 5

There is a knowledge article on doing this with a PXIe-5442.  Maybe the clocking diagrams can be compared and the PFI line can be used with PXIe-5413 aswell?

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Message 2 of 5
Accepted by topic author PeterDavis

The PFI connector cannot be used as a clocking terminal on 5413/5423/5433.

The only external reference clock that 5413/5423/5433 devices support is PXIe_Clk100.


Carefully read through the "System Reference Clock" section of the PXIe-1082 manual:

To synchronize the system to an external clock, you can drive PXI_CLK10 from an external
source through the PXI_CLK10_IN pin on the System Timing Slot. Refer to Table B-7, XP4
Connector Pinout for the System Timing Slot, for the pinout. When a 10MHz clock is detected
on this pin, the backplane automatically phase-locks the PXI_CLK10, PXIe_CLK100, and
PXIe_SYNC100 signals to this external clock and distributes these signals to the slots. Refer to
Appendix A, Specifications, for the specification information for an external clock provided on
the PXI_CLK10_IN pin of the system timing slot

Make sure you are meeting the necessary specifications (e.g. voltage levels) for the PXI_CLK10_IN pin.





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Message 3 of 5

I’m trying to sync a PXI1082 to a 10MHz external reference and synchronize my DAQ.  I’m not seeing any frequency change between using an internal and external reference. My timing error is about 5ppm but with the external reference should be in the nano or pico seconds.  What am I doing wrong?

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Message 4 of 5

BiffStudley you are posting in the wrong place. This is a thread about an already solved question about 5413 Arbitrary Waveform Generator. By posting in the right place and adding appropriate level of detail you will get the help needed.


Marcos Kirsch
Chief Software Engineer
NI Driver Software
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Message 5 of 5