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Unit Testing in LabVIEW with Caraya

Hey LabVIEW Programmers,

So it's been about 6 months since we've had a meeting and that's simply because we were VERY busy at Laser Depth Dynamics all fall. I apologize for the wait, but I think we have a few topics in the works that will really help everyone out with their projects.

So the next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday February 9th at 7:30pm at Queen's University, Stirling Hall, Room 414 and the topic is Unit Testing with Caraya.


Caraya is super easy to learn, which is definitely what you want in a unit testing framework. There's already a pretty good video showing how to use it.


What I am going to cover, in addition to how to use Caraya is:

  • Why do unit testing at all? If you are on a really tight schedule, is it worth it?
  • What should we test? Testing everything seems like a waste of time, so where can you get your biggest bang for your buck.
  • How do we setup our project to support tests?
  • How can we extend Caraya (e.g. what happens if you change your math a bit and now 3.0264129 is not equal to 3.0264128)?

Looking forward to seeing everyone there,


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Here is the talk for what was presented.

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