10-21-2024 03:08 PM
I would like to put FRC_roboRio2_2022_v4.0 onto an SD card for a robo rio 2.0 (not the newest version).
Right now, I can put on FRC_roboRio2_2024_v2.2, but that has Labview compatability issues.
I went to Releases · teamhyper/roborio-images (github.com)
But it seemed like that zip file would not work with Balena Etcher to get.
It seems like I need a Disc Image File?
Do you know how I could get that? For FRC_roboRio2_2022_v4.0
Thank you
10-28-2024 10:54 AM
Hi Neal_N,
I hope you're doing great!
This is Nahuel from NI, I'll be helping you with this situation. In this case, we can proceed and download the respective image included in the following suite:
Have a great day!
11-06-2024 03:09 PM
How do I get to the FRC_roboRio2_2022_v4.0 disc image file from that suite? I'm not seeing it.
Thank you
01-05-2025 06:03 PM
Did you download the 2022 version of game tools?
but perhaps a better question is why are you looking for that version?