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Roborio does not connect to FRC dashboard

Hello, good afternoon.

I'm Juan Antonio, coach of the team FRC Circuit Crew 9513. We have the problem that our Roborio ( brand new since it came in our rookie kit of parts) doesn't connect with FRC dashboard and it tells us that the roborio is not in a good condition. We would like to apply the warranty,

Thank you very much.


RIO identifier numberRIO identifier numberDashboard feedbackDashboard feedback

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Message 1 of 4

Hi Juan Antonio,


I'm Steven from NI Tech Support. Please follow these steps and let me know how it goes:


  1. Make sure you have the latest Update Suite installed, including both LabVIEW Software for FRC and FRC Game Tools.


  1. Make sure your roboRIO is getting the correct power: the POWER LED should be green.



  1. Make sure the roboRIO is booting correctly: the STATUS LED should turn off after booting (solid orange for one minute).


a. If the STATUS LED is blinking twice, there is no software loaded into your roboRIO, you need to reimage it.


b. If the STATUS LED is blinking three times, it is in safe mode.


  1. Connect the roboRIO to the computer using a USB cable.


  • Make sure there are no other roboRIOs connected to the computer. This includes other USB ports, Ethernet, and WiFi.


  1. Check you can ping the roboRIO using this connection (command line: ping


  • If you cannot ping the roboRIO, it is possible the USB cable/port is not correct, or that your computer is not associating the correct driver to the port.


  1. Check that the Driver Station has connectivity. You can use the Diagnostics tab in the left of the DS to see the connection details.


  • Ensure your Team Number is set on the gear tab of the driver station.


  • Make sure your Windows Firewall is off, and there is no antivirus blocking the connection between the Driver Station and the roboRIO.


  • Try running the driver station as administrator (right click on the program and select Run as Administrator).


  • Ensure there is not a driver station already connected to the robot. If you are connecting through the radio, ensure that there is just one computer connected to the radio.


  1. Put your roboRIO in SafeMode: hold down the reset button until the the STATUS light goes solid and then release the reset button. The roboRIO will now restart in SafeMode which is indicated by the STATUS light flashing three times in a row.


  1. Reboot your computer and check if the behavior is persistent when using a different computer.


  1. Reimage your roboRIO with the new firmware and format it.


  • If the Imaging Tool cannot detect the roboRIO after ie being successfully connected to the DS, I recommend you check that the Imaging Tool is run as admin and without a firewall.



Keep me posted. 

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

Hi Steven.

The suggested tests have been performed on roboRio and the problem still persists.


It is worth mentioning that another roboRio was used to ensure that the rest of our system works correctly.


Thank you for your attention and I look forward to the next step.


 I attach evidence of the tests




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Message 3 of 4

Hi juanton9513,


I've sent you a direct message regarding your issue.


Please check your inbox and give us a reply.

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Message 4 of 4