06-07-2013 08:28 AM
Hi! I got a problem when trying to twitter with oauth, i always get an error 85, saying:
Error 85 occurred at Scan From String (arg 1) in OAuth.lvlib:Read Tokens.vi->OAuth.lvlib:Exchange for Access Token.vi->OAuth.lvlib:Get Pin Access.vi->NXTweet mit User Login.vi
Possible reason(s):
LabVIEW: Scan failed. The input string does not contain data in the expected format.
The exact problem is described here, but i am not an expert, so i do not know how to repair the VI so it is working with this new twitter settings:
06-07-2013 03:33 PM
Hi Trella,
I tried the current release of the Twitter Toolkit (v0.1.1.6 from i3_twitter-2012-10-29.vipc) available on the homepage: https://decibel.ni.com/content/groups/interactive-internet-interface-twitter-toolkit-for-labview
And I was able to tweet using the following VI: <LabVIEW>\examples\Interactive Internet Interface\i3 Twitter\Examples\Post New Tweet - Finite.vi
As well as read tweets using the following VI: <LabVIEW>\examples\Interactive Internet Interface\i3 Twitter\Examples\Get New Tweets - Finite.vi
Were you able to run those example programs correctly?
06-07-2013 04:06 PM
Hi Milan,
i tried some other VI. I will check the version you named when back at work next week on wednesday. Thanks for your comment so far. I will give feedback.
Sebastian Trella
06-12-2013 07:45 AM
Hi Milan,
it tried the VI you mentioned. It is not working for me. I get the same error like before, because this VI is also not using the "oauth_verifier". How did you get it to work, can you try again?
Sebastian Trella
06-15-2013 07:00 PM
Hi Trella!
It actually looks like Twitter did a full switch to the Twitter API v1.1 last Tuesday according to their blog so all Twitter v1 APIs (like this one) are broken: https://dev.twitter.com/blog/api-v1-is-retired
So right now the i3 Twitter API is non-functional. I have been working on a release that uses Twitter API v1.1 and will try and push a release early this week! I will let you know when it is updated!
06-17-2013 02:54 PM
For those looking to get this Twitter API back running before the new release, I believe you just need to change a few URLs (since it was already using JSON/OAuth):
In Get Tweets New, change https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.json to https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json
In Post Tweet, change https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/update.json to https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update.json
In Verify Credentials, change https://api.twitter.com/1/account/verify_credentials.json to https://api.twitter.com/1.1/account/verify_credentials.json
I'm only logging in/getting access strings, posting text, and retrieving text posts. So if you are doing re-tweets, media, etc., there may be other URLs to change.
06-17-2013 02:59 PM
Hi! You are using the VIs from http://i3-labview.googlecode.com/files/i3_twitter-2012-10-29.vipc ? And changing the address did work?
06-17-2013 03:03 PM
Yes, that is the version I am using. And changing the addresses worked, but I only tested logging in, posting regular text tweets, and checking new text tweets.
The other functions probably need similar changes. You can do a search for api.twitter.com, and every instance that has api.twitter.com/1/xxx, change '1' to '1.1'
06-17-2013 03:21 PM
I am trying to use the "Post New Tweet - Finite.vi". I changed every link in every SubVI using the 1.0 API to 1.1 API, but it is not working...same error as before. Could you please send or post your changed/working version of you VI to <deleted by MilanR>? That would be very nice!
Message was edited by: MilanR
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06-17-2013 07:43 PM
Hi Trella,
An updated version of the Interactive Internet Interface: Twitter Toolkit for LabVIEW has been released that uses Twitter API v1.1 and uses a new browser based login mechanism that does not require the user to manually enter a pin number.
The features are available in Twitter release 2013-06-17 and can be downloaded on the homepage.