UKTAG – UK Test Automation Group

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UKTAG Meeting 4

The fourth user group meeting was held on Friday the 15th of May 2020






Presented by

1:00 – 1:10

Welcome and Introduction

1:15 – 1:55

SSDC General Application Template Walk through

Steve will take you through the VERY simple template SSDC uses as the basis for 99% of it's projects.
It's just plain old Functional LabVIEW quietly doing it's thing.

Steve Watts (CLA, LabVIEW Champion) - SSDC

2.00 – 2:40

SQLite and LabVIEW Presentation | Video | Video

In this presentation we're going to explore the power of databases through SQL. SQL is the primary language responsible for managing data held in a relational databases, and this query language gives much more functionally than simply getting and setting values. We can perform data analysis on the databases directly through SQL without bring the data into LabVIEW.

This presentation will focus on an SQLite database, however, a Microsoft Access database will also be used in a demonstrated to show how SQL can be used in LabVIEW with different types of database.

Tom McQuillan (CLA, CTA, CLED, CPI) – Scientifica

2:40 – 2:55


3:00 – 3:30

UML and LabVIEW Presentation | Video

UML is a useful tool that can be used to help capture user requirements, model structural and behavioural parts of your system, and model how the system will be deployed. In this presentation David will be providing an introduction to UML and how it can be used to create simple models of complex systems.

David Maidman (CLA) - CSS

3:35 – 4:15

A first impression of SystemLink This session will get you started setting up and configuring a SystemLink server for test system management. We will also have a look at some of the key features, like system and package management, test monitoring and measurement data management. NI Germany

4:20 – 5:00

TestStand API - Property Objects

Presentation | Video

Most things in TestStand are simply datatypes. Because of this they can all inherit from something called a Property Object. This presentation delves into what a property object is. It also looks at the common API methods and properties and how to use them along with tips and tricks. Sam Roundy, (CLA, CTA, LabVIEW Champion) - Testeract 


CLA CTAChampionI'm attending the GLA Summit!
Subscribe to the Test Automation user group: UK Test Automation Group
Message 1 of 9

I've just found out I have a meeting I can't avoid at 15:00, so I apologise if I wrap up quickly and scarper.

If there's any questions, just put them here and I'll answer after my other meeting


Opportunity to learn from experienced developers / entrepeneurs (Fab,Joerg and Brian amongst them):
DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshop

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Message 2 of 9

@swatts wrote:

I've just found out I have a meeting I can't avoid at 15:00, so I apologise if I wrap up quickly and scarper.

If there's any questions, just put them here and I'll answer after my other meeting

Steve, would it help it I move you to the earlier slot?

CLA CTAChampionI'm attending the GLA Summit!
Subscribe to the Test Automation user group: UK Test Automation Group
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Message 3 of 9

If Tom doesn't mind it would make me less tense.

Sorry to be a pain, gotta grab business opportunities where we can these days.


Opportunity to learn from experienced developers / entrepeneurs (Fab,Joerg and Brian amongst them):
DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshop

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Message 4 of 9

That is quite alright Steve.

Tom is fine with that change, I have changed the agenda.

CLA CTAChampionI'm attending the GLA Summit!
Subscribe to the Test Automation user group: UK Test Automation Group
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Message 5 of 9

Most appreciated, thanks both


Opportunity to learn from experienced developers / entrepeneurs (Fab,Joerg and Brian amongst them):
DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshop

Random Ramblings Index
My Profile

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Message 6 of 9
Message 7 of 9

Good evening,


I was looking for presentation material and or video on the f8 al session of the last UKTAG meeting, about the TestStand API - Property Objects.


At the time of the presentation, it was interesting and I knew it would be useful, but I was very much at the beginning of my TestStand learning tree and a little overwhelmed.


Now however I think ( hope 😀) it will actually make sense.


if I ha e overlooked the info sorry and could someone please point me towards it, if it’s not available my I please ask if it could be made available.


many thanks



Danny Thomson AshVire Ltd
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9

Attached is the presentation.



~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~
Message 9 of 9