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Cannont find a GPSDC

I am currently running the "niUSRP EX Rx with" with a USRP N210.

I have recently installed the NIUSRP1400 and NIGPS200. I just updated the firmware as requested by the VI. 


However now when I run the VI, the following error comes up:

Error -1074118634 occurred at niUSRP Configure

Possible reason(s):
Cannot find a GPSDC


Has anyone faced this error before?

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Message 1 of 4

Hi dmc2,


Are you using an Ettus USRP or an NI USRP? And if so, does your USRP have a GSPDO installed?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

Hi dmc2, 

To supplement's post, I suspect the issue might be that your USRP does not have the GPSDO kit. 
The USRP N210 product page mentions, "An optional GPSDO module can also be used to discipline the USRP N210 reference clock to within 0.01 ppm of the worldwide GPS standard."

To add that in, you would need the GPSDO kit.

If you have additional support related questions about the Ettus USRP, I would recommend reaching out to Ettus support since they are best equipped to address those technical questions. 

Shalini M.
Partner Development Engineer
Alliance Partner Network
National Instruments
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Message 3 of 4

Thank you for the replies. I will double check and see if I'm missing the GPSDO module.

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Message 4 of 4