01-25-2021 07:16 PM
I have some questions about frame construction in the example "Packet-based Digital Link" from here (In attachment I additionally send all vi's): https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-18801
The pramaters of the transmitter frame look like this:
Now my questions are...:
Is there any documentation describing the issues with this example? Could someone please explain these concepts to me?
By the way. Does the receiver in this example validate the received frame by checking every bit that is transmitted with every bit that is received? Or does it just check if the frame arrived and count it?
01-25-2021 07:29 PM
And one last question. What is the "Cyclic padding bits" in the image below? This control is located in "sub_generate_packet_array.vi". As far as I can see this value is copied from the bitstream and entered at the end of the frame. The value of "cycling padding bits" is calculated in "sub_calcpadding-symbolrate.vi" (last image), but why do we divide the "Samples per symbol" value by 160 for this purpose? And on the other side we logarithm this value by log2(x) and then multiply? Where does this come from?
01-26-2021 06:47 PM
Does anyone have any ideas and would be able to help?