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Multiple USRP Connect by using Unmanaged Ethernet switch

Good morning. I am a beginner who has been conducting research based on USRP for 1 year.


I set up the HOST configuration, basic firmware, and FPGA as follows.

IPv4 setting (HOST).PNG

USRP-2932 firmware, fpga image setting.PNG


I have been performed a study based on the USRP2921 until now, which has always been well connected as follows without any problems.

Configuration utility of USRP-2921.PNG



However, there was a problem during development with the support of the USRP-2932 recently.


Despite having the exact same setup as USRP-2921, I am experiencing the following recognition issues. I obviously connected 4 of the USRP-2932 through an unmanaged switch, but only 1 is recognized by HOST.

USRP-2932 front LED status.jpg

unmanaged Ethernet switch hub.jpg


And I am using LabVIEW NXG 5.0 and 5.1, NI-USRP 20.5 version software.

But read all the readme document, it was confirmed that no would be no problem.



I tried to fix it, referring to all the guidelines available on the forum, but all of them failed.

Configuration utility of USRP-2932.PNG


Please someone help me. I have faced the problem for a long time, but it has not been resolved.

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Message 1 of 6

Why is one of your USRP devices defined as default gateway on the PC?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Thanks for your response.


In Korea, there are guides to set the default subnet mask as follows:


IP :

subnet :

gateway :


And, since there was no problem in the actual experiments, so the value was maintained.

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Message 3 of 6

I did not say anything about subnet mask, just the gateway setting. One of your USRP devices seems to have the gateway address as IP address. Since all traffic is on the local subnet, you should not define a gateway.


Does every single device work fine (and show a different IP address)  if you disconnect all the others for testing?

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Message 4 of 6

Thank you very much for replying.


I modified it as you said, and checked the connection between USRP and host PC. (Single connection)


I will try to connect multiple USRPs by reconnecting to the unmanaged ethernet switch.


Thanks for your help 😆

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Message 5 of 6

Dear Altenbach, I have confirmed that my USRP-2932 hardware works fine when in a single device.


But still, multiple USRP connections have not been resolved.


Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.



-LabVIEW, USRP beginners-

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Message 6 of 6