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NI USRP 2922 example design without LABview

  We are having Ni USRP 2922 board . We want to simulate and test any example design without LABView tool . Ni USRP 2922 will connect to host Linux PC through ethernet. Is  there any C compiler code to transmit IQ data. It will be very helpful if you can provide any C code and Documents regarding this.

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Message 1 of 5

Hi dheeraj.11,

as an alternative to using the USRP-2922 with the NI-USRP LabVIEW driver it can also be used via the open source UHD driver in C, C++ and python. Here is a helpful knowledge page link 
Using NI USRP Devices with UHD and GNU Radio (also note the links at the bottom of the page for the UHD Manual).


Kind Regards,




Message 2 of 5

Thank You Marian for reply.


  Actually I am receiving IQ data on host Linux  PC  through socket programming the same data I want to transmit to the USRP module 2922. Is there any other way apart from LabView and GNU Radio to communicate with USRP 2922 module through ethernet.  

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Message 3 of 5

Hi dheeraj.11,

the USRP 2922 can be directly programmed via the UHD C++ API or python API. In the UHD manual please refer to Ettus model N210, which the USRP 2922 is based on. The API includes functions to stream data via Ethernet (see also You can find details on the transport protocol at (the N210 is a Generation-2 device).


Kind Regards,



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Message 4 of 5

Hi Marian ,

  We are facing issue after installing UHD drivers while running the C API codes .  .

Attached screenshots for your reference. 

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