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New USRP B200 & B210,Labview support ?

Alas, the fields are greyed out for me as well. But I changed the name as the post above called for and inserted it into labview and something started working.



Here's a screen shot. Also, how do I toggle the GPIO pins on the board? Have you guys done that yet?

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Message 21 of 35

in reference to this thread:


Active Participant
Posts: 267

Re: GPIO for ettus N210

Hi bobbob1,


LabVIEW does not allow you to program the GPIO pins on the N210 or any other model of USRP.

Sarah Y

SDR Product Manager
National Instruments | Ettus Research
Why does Labview not allow you to program the pins? Can Labview FPGA access these pins?
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Message 22 of 35

Still waiting to hear back.
Need to access the GPIO pins for USRP B210. If the communications software won't do it, will LABVIEW fpga do it?

Are you guys using LABVIEW FPGA to compile B210's load  or are you using ISE14.7? 

I found an article on your website titled

What Xilinx FPGA Chips Are Used by National Instruments RIO Devices?

CompactRIO 9082 Spartan 6, LX 150


this is the fpga on the b210. 
Spartan 6 XC6SLX150 FPGA 



 I downloaded Labview FPGA and am going through the steps, please advise.



0 Kudos
Message 23 of 35

The 290x/B2x0 are not supported as LV FPGA targets.


For accessing the GPIO there is a VI which is not on the palette



I haven't tested it but this thread looks helpful for determining required inputs to the VI:

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Message 24 of 35

trying to deciper that thread showing config parameters for the gpio vi. Can't find a reference sheet that explains the different commands. can't find anything on the ettus side either. 


National Instruments ? 

0 Kudos
Message 25 of 35



virtual void gr::uhd::usrp_block::set_gpio_attr ( const std::string &  bank,
    const std::string &  attr,
    const boost::uint32_t  value,
    const boost::uint32_t  mask = 0xffffffff,
    const size_t  mboard = 0 
pure virtual

Set a GPIO attribute on a particular GPIO bank. Possible attribute names:

  • CTRL - 1 for ATR mode 0 for GPIO mode
  • DDR - 1 for output 0 for input
  • OUT - GPIO output level (not ATR mode)
  • ATR_0X - ATR idle state
  • ATR_RX - ATR receive only state
  • ATR_TX - ATR transmit only state
  • ATR_XX - ATR full duplex state
    bank the name of a GPIO bank
    attr the name of a GPIO attribute
    value the new value for this GPIO bank
    mask the bit mask to effect which pins are changed
    mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1



    still treking forward will update if I figure something out

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Message 26 of 35

RDFer is a student of mine in the capstone program at the University of Virginia ECE department, he came to me for help today and here is the working solution we came up with:



the USRP attr wrap VI looks like this:



The commands that we used can be found in the GNU Radio Manual here (API for UHD):


And another thread dealing with this problem at Ettus (but not in LV):


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Message 27 of 35

I realized that labvew supports B210 unofficially. But does B210 and GPSDO work with labvew? Has anyone tried it?

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Message 28 of 35


We bought the SDR USRP b200mini of Ettus


is this hardware compatible with LabVIEW?


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Message 29 of 35

It should work, but the USB driver won't load by default like it will with a NI product. Once you get the driver setup, you shouldn't have any problems getting it to run with LabVIEW.

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Message 30 of 35