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Processing ettus e310 .dat in python


I am attempting to process the data stored in the .dat file generated from rx_samples_to_file and have run into some issues. 

rx_samples_to_file  is being run with the flags --bw 500000 --freq 1000000000 --gain 12 --rate 625000, and presumably the default datatype of 'short'. The waveform being sampled and saved is a 1GHZ -35.8dBm sine wave, however when being read in to python the datas sample rate does not match what is expected.


Measuring the number of datapoints in a period and converting to sample rate based on the known frequency of the signal, I get an actual sample rate of 1.32e12, which is about 2^17*1e7, so not the strangest number, but I would like to know why it is this value, and the relationship between the inputted "--rate" and the actual value I need for accurately representing my data and computing frequencies.


Does anyone have any insight they can offer me on this matter?



On a related topic, my understanding is that this data is in dBFS, which is based on the values of the e310s ADC. However I was wondering if there was a good way to convert this to dBm so I can confirm I am measuring in data correctly.



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