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Question about USRP Synchronization when using 1X 2 MIMO

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I wonder topic about 1 X 2 MIMO ( One transmitter Two Receiver USRP System ) .I have input bit sequence like '10101010...' on transmitter part. So '1' and '0' bits  are lined up in  order. 0 comes after 1 , 0 comes after 1 .I want to send this bit sequence  from transmitter USRP to channel. On receiver part;  how could I set time  and set up triggers of receiver USRPs that  one USRP will fetch only 1 bits from these squence, another USRP will fetch only 0 bits from thise squence. How Can I synchronize this 1X2 MIMO system like that ? Could you give me advices?  


Best Regards.




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Message 1 of 6

Hi ahmetemir,


What specific hardware and software are you using for this application? 

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Message 2 of 6

Transmitter will be 2943R , one of the  reciever will be 2921 other  of the  receiver will be 2943R.  Should I use only Optoclok for synchronization?  I couldn't write software specific , I couldn't know how I'm able to to implement this system. Software editor is NI Labview 2014. Is there any example program similar to this problem?? Could you give me advices please??

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Message 3 of 6
Accepted by topic author ahmetemir

Hi ahmetemir,


I think this example will provide a framework for what you are trying to do:

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Message 4 of 6

Thanks for your help, I will review exapmle

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Message 5 of 6

anyone share with me a VI with Implementing 2x1 MISO system with LabVIEW and NI USRP 2921 using Alamouti code?? I need problem with the estimation channel in the receptor, i used the alamouti code with 2 antennas trnasmitter and one antenna receiver.

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Message 6 of 6