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USRP X300 bricked and

Good morning,
My OS is Ubuntu version 22.04, my USRP is a X300, I tried Vivado Lab (lastest version) and Vivado 2021.1.
I am writing here because I bricked my USRP X300 while changing the FPGA image using the ethernet port and the uhd_image_loader script. I was still able to communicate with the FPGA after changing the image but after powering down and up again it was impossible for me to communicate through the Ethernet port as the FPGA image was deleted (it was probably in a volatile memory).

So I decided to follow the step described in the “X300/X310 Device Recovery”

Using Vivado Lab (these errors were obtained using Vivado 2021.1 but I got the same issue with Vivado Lab) 
This error happen when I try to load the FPGA using the image stored in :  “/usr/local/share/uhd/images/usrp_n300_fpga_HG.bit”:
ERROR: [Labtools 27-3303] Incorrect bitstream assigned to device. Bitfile is incompatible for this device.
ERROR: [Labtools 27-3165] End of startup status: LOW
ERROR: [Common 17-39] 'program_hw_devices' failed due to earlier errors.
 My FPGA images were obtained through the “uhd_images_downloader” script, the hardware target was auto detected, I followed the advices given on vivado and tried all of the JTAG frequencies.
I saw that we could use custom part for Vivado but I don't know if it would damage my board.
Wishing you a nice day.

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