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USRP X310/ UBX 160 Attenuation in 10MHz to 1.5GHz

Hi, I'm having a 45db attenuation in 10MHz to 1.5GHz band whereas it's working alright from 1.5GHz to 6GHz. 

The question is what can be the reason?

I've learnt so far that it's a problem with UBX but in depth I don't know what is the actual cause because it's more than 1 UBX daughterboards that are now having the same issue. The problem isn't with the USRP as I've used brand new UBX and it worked fine. I want to troubleshoot faulty ones at a hardware level, can you help me with it please?

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Message 1 of 8


In this case, I think it would be better to contact NI or Ettus research support rather than asking here.


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

I don't think it's a bad question on community forum which is accessible to million of NI Users around the world. There are NI Experts on the forum to answer my querry. If you can't answer please don't discourage others which may restricts them to reply. 

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8



I think it would be helpful for support if you could tell me your operating environment. PC, OS, LabVIEW or UHD...


Have you done the calibration?


Are you using CBX?


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8


Thank for your informative reply.

I'm using
1) PC: Intel Xeon (R) CPU ES-2670 v3 @2.30GHz (I've changed PC aswell)
2) OS: Windows 10 Pro N
3) LabView:  LV2021 - 32bit
4) UHD: I don't know how to check, can you guide me please?

No, I haven't done the calibration yet, I'll do it now and get back with quick results. 

No not CBX, I'm using UBX

UBX 10-6000 MHz Rx/Tx



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Message 5 of 8



>4) UHD: I don't know how to check, can you guide me please?


OK, Please tell me your NI-USRP driver version instead of UHD.

>No not CBX, I'm using UBX


There seems to be a definite cause for this problem. Please see the UBX block diagram at the URL below. There is a path through which a 10MHz-1.5GHz signal flows on the receiving side. This path is probably the cause.


Next, you need to identify whether this is caused by hardware or software.

I remember that a similar phenomenon was reported on this forum the other day, and after changing the version of the NI-USRP driver being used, it worked properly.


In this case, it may be a bug in NI-USRP 2023 Q3, and it worked fine after downgrading to NI-USRP 2022 Q4.


What version of NI-USRP are you using?
If possible, please try reinstalling to another version.



0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

I am having a similar problem. Did you find a solution that worked?



0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8
No, not yet but I believe it's a hardware problem. 
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Message 8 of 8