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Urgent assistance needed in FM/RDS transmission

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I am developing a VI to transmit FM/RDS signals using USRP 2920 as part of a final year project, and the deadline to submit the VI is soon. I purchased the FM/RDS Toolkit, but I am running into few problems. I am aware that the FM/RDS toolkit is designed for RFSG devices, but I working on migrating the example VIs provided to work on the USRP.


I tried two approaches: the first approach is using the FM/RDS example VI provided by the toolkit, and another approach is integrating the example VI (the RDS functionalities only) with a 'working' VI to transmit FM signals (takes input an .wav audio file -- which is required by my project).


FM Transmission:

1) In the examlpe VI to transmit FM/RDS signals provided by the toolkit, I cannot figure out how/where to input my own audio file to the FM transmitter block (instead of the FM number of tones)

2) In case it is not possible to transmit my own audio file using the example VI, how can I integrate both the FM transmission VI I acquired from the forum with the latter example VI (outputs have different type: 'Message Signal' vs 'niFM SG session')


RDS Transmission:

1) How should I configure the RDS block (niFM SG Configure RDS Groups 0B and 2A VI) to properly transmit RDS? -- including the PI Call Letters and deviation frequency.

Please note that I live outside the US (in Lebanon) and apparently the PI Call Letters are designed only for the US?


I am attaching a snapshot of the VI that I have been working on. It shows how I integrated the FM/RDS example VI and the FM-only VI. Any assistance on any of the questions is very much appreciated.

Many thanks!

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 17

Hi there,


I had a look at the shipped examples with this toolkit.

There is an example that generates niFM Generate Waveform from File.

Indeed, the VI reads from TDMS file and converts to Complex Waveform is password protected, but since you want to do some reverse engineering and change the toolkit to be compatible with USRP I would suggest you to create a TDMS file using the soft front panel and than anlyze it.

TDMS can be open even with Excel.

Than you have to create TDMS file from your wave file.

Best regards,


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 17

Also, there is even an easier way to do it.

In the property node where you set the FM Number of tones, if you click it, you can use the source to be a file

"Audio Message / Audio Source / Audio File path"

It is asking for a string that represents a path to a wav file.


Best regards,


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 17

Can you explain this approach in more detail please?

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Message 4 of 17

The second one (string input)

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Message 5 of 17

I only have:

- Nb of Tones

- Modulating Frequency

- Channel Deviation

- Pre-Emphasis

- Stereo


in the property node. No sign for Audio source (if this is where I should be looking)

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Message 6 of 17



I have presented in the following video how to do it.


Best regards,


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 17

Thank you, I am working on it now.

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Message 8 of 17

Its weird, the audio source option is missing from the options. Is it because I am using Labview 2010?

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Message 9 of 17

It might be a file missing from the niFM Generation class?

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Message 10 of 17