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July 2015 User Group Meeting

The next meeting of the Utah Valley LabVIEW User Group will be held Friday, July 10, from 12:00 pm – 1:00pm at:

Thanksgiving Point Executive Suites

2975 West Executive Parkway

Lehi, Utah 84043


Spend lunchtime away from summer heat extending your LabVIEW knowledge.  Jason Dahl, a Certified LabVIEW Architect from Integrated Pro will share A Garden Variety of LabVIEW Topics, a pony pack or two of LabVIEW tips, sized from new seeds to established shoots on topics ranging from UI design to implementing DVRs.

This meeting is open to LabVIEW users or anyone interested in learning more about LabVIEW.  Lunch will be provided.  Please RSVP on NI.com or send email to uvlabview@gmail.com.

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