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May 2012 User Group Meeting

We hope to see you at the May meeting of the Utah Valley LabVIEW User Group, coming up on Friday, May 11, from 12:00 pm – 1:00pm at:

Thanksgiving Point Executive Suites

2975 West Executive Parkway

Lehi, Utah 84043


Join us to learn 5 Great Ways to Hack Windows with LabVIEW from Robert Mortensen, Endigit.  Following, Fred Klaas and Cory Stuart will present on novel Neutron Spectrometer instruments being developed by MSI Photogenics and their plan to use high throughput, NI PCIx-based FPGA systems to improve data acquisition and pulse analysis performance.

This meeting is open to LabVIEW users or anyone interested in learning more about LabVIEW.  Lunch will be provided.  Thanks to those that have registered on NI.com or sent an RSVP to uvlabview@gmail.com - it helps with the food count!

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