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Starting New User Groups



We are in the process of starting up a new User Group! We have our first meeting scheduled in a few weeks and wanted to get process started on trying to formalize things.


There does not appear any in our area. I am looking at the 'User Group Starter Guide" document and it suggests reaching out to NI to get the process started. I understand there has been a shake-up in community relations since the Emerson acquisition...anyone know who the contact is at NI for user groups?


Many thanks!


Eric Stach

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I have run the North Oakland County LabVIEW User Group (NOCLUG) since November 2016.  We haven't been asked to change what we have been doing for our over 7 years of existence, but a search of the NI web found a wealth of what NI used to put out to help new user groups at this link: .  This is pre-Emerson acquisition information. 


The only post acquisition guidance I have been able to find regards the recertification program.  That information can be found at link .


I maintain many current links with former NI personnel that are still actively using LabVIEW and NI tools in the business community as well as some links to local NI support personnel here in the Metropolitan Detroit Area.


I am not sure whether they (NI / Emerson) monitor these community boards as it has been less than a year since Emerson took over, but if they do not, I can help you find more information if you haven't found the answer you are looking for.




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