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VIA Ignore doesn't work for Front Panel Property and Invoke Nodes test

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Hey everyone,


I'm using LV 2018 SP1 f4 32-bit, and I'm seeing that the "#via_ignore Front Panel Property and Invoke Nodes" bookmark doesn't ignore these test failures, both when the bookmark is tied to a specific property/invoke node or globally to the entire VI.  Other tests are ignored correctly when using the appropriate #via_ignore bookmark.


The test itself is under the "Real-Time Module" parent item in the VI analyzer configuration, but VIs under a Windows target fail the test.  I'm not sure if it's even the intended behavior that RT-specific VI Analyzer tests are applied to non-RT VIs.


The attached VI demonstrates the problem if run through any VI Analyzer config that includes the Front Panel Property and Invoke Nodes test.


Is this a known issue or expected behavior?






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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author croohcifer

This is a known issue. The Real-Time VI Analyzer tests have not been updated to be UID-based tests...they are still shipped in the legacy RD format. Only UID-based tests can support #via_ignore bookmarks. More information on UID-based tests vs. RD-based tests is available in items #8 and #9 here.

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Message 2 of 3

Got it.  Thanks, Darren!

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Message 3 of 3