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Channel does not have write access error code -307665

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I'm new to using Veristand and controlling it with python. I'm stuck trying to understand how I can fix an error I'm seeing with one specific control. My python script can successfully switch several other controls that are linked to PXI channels.


We are using Veristand to control the power supply of our test system. The main panel has an on/off control that is linked to a simulation model that controls the power supply. We can manually switch on the power supply by clicking on this control.



I'm using an Alias to refer to the control.


When I try to switch this control with python, I get an error message. It indicates that the channel does not have write access. I'm using slightly modified python code from a Veristand engine demo example. 


I assume that the engine demo example has something different regarding the control being used and the model it is linked to. I cannot figure out what to do to gain write access to the power supply parameter in the model. I found the information below that refers to model parameters, but I do not understand what it means for my problem, or if it is even related.



Below is the full error report:

d:\Python_code\Veristand\ failed: def test_run_engine_set_points_python():
> set_engine_power(True)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
.venv\lib\site-packages\niveristand\ in ret_func
retval = func(*args, **kwargs)
.venv\lib\site-packages\niveristand\ in ret_func
return func(*args, **kwargs) in set_engine_power
PowerOnM.value = on_off.value
.venv\lib\site-packages\niveristand\clientapi\_datatypes\ in value
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

self = <niveristand.clientapi._workspace2._Workspace2 object at 0x000002A649C42B80>
name = 'Aliases/PowerOnM', new_val = True

def set_single_channel_value(self, name, new_val):
Sets the value of a single channel on the target.

name (str): The name of the channel. You must enter the full path to the channel as specified in the system
definition file.
new_val (float): The value to set.


err = self._dot_net_instance.SetSingleChannelValue(name, new_val)
err = _Error(err)
if err.is_error:
> raise errors.VeristandError(
_errormessages.csharp_call_failed % (err.error_code, err.resolved_error_message)
E niveristand.errors.VeristandError: The call into the C# API failed with error code -307665. Message: NI VeriStand: Channel does not have write access.
E .

.venv\lib\site-packages\niveristand\clientapi\ VeristandError

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Accepted by topic author Hannes777

You should use NIVeriStand.ModelManager2 class instead to read/write parameter.

Applications Engineer | TME Systems
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Message 2 of 3

MM2 working examples.png

Thank you very much for your reply 😀 It put me on the right track to solve the problem by looking into the ModelManager2. 🏆

The NI documentation of the ModelManager" was of no use to me. I assume it will be useful for people with lots of experience, but as a beginner it provided no useful information.


There was not a single example to show to me what a valid "target","name" or "value" looked like. As you can see from the attached error messages, I tried every combination of references to these that I could think of. Luckily I found the solution in a python test that a supplier of us used. I have attached a screen capture of our Target setup in Veristand, along with the working python code. You will notice that when the model manager is used to call the parameter, "Parameter" is just left out of the "name" field. For our system the name is "model/PowerControl/PowerOnM/Value". There is absolutely nothing I can see on the NI help page that mentions that Parameter must just be left out.

Targets.pngerror 0xfffb4e3e 2.pngerror 0xfffb4e3e 3.pngerror 0xfffb4e3e.pngSet error 0xfffb4ce6 2.pngSet error 0xfffb4ce6 4.pngSet error 0xfffb4ce6.png

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