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IMAQ 32-bit look up table VI or DLL

Status: New

Greetings Vision Idea Exchange Community,


We have a critical need to apply a 4096 element U32 Lookup Table to our IMAQ images and were really hoping that it wouldn't be to hard to modify the existing shipped VI from the VDM package (IMAQ UserLookup 2 VI to be able to handle LUT's of greater bit depth.


This is of course a proprietary code from NI so we can't work directly from it.  Has anyone one the community been able to write an  (optimized) look up table VI/DLL which can take as input a 16 bit image and lookup to a 32-bit image depth?


Our application is correcting machine vision camera output frames  for bit error and non-linearity corrections for which we need at least 22 bits of LUT so we decided to simply go to four byte pixel depths.


Regards, Scott


High Altitude Observatory Boulder, CO