Functions* that insert overlay's into images can define a Group, so later you can e.g. delete the whole overlay group at once. Currently there is no VI that would be able to get a list af all Group names preset/used in the image (if you e.g. load an image saved with overlay's and you want to know the Group names, so you can access theyr properties). It could look like this:

Then it would be also easy to get properties if all of the overlay group's (with IMAQ Get Overlay Properties VI)... This VI could also return a array of integers, that would give information about how many Bytes each overlay group uses in memory - for debuging puposes, or if you have some memory shortage problems...
IMAQ Overlay Arc
IMAQ Overlay Closed Contour
IMAQ Overlay Line
IMAQ Overlay Oval
IMAQ Overlay Points
IMAQ Overlay Rect
IMAQ Overlay Text
Jozef Lipták