Volume License Manager and Automated Software Installation

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VLM and silent install



I want to create a silent installer for NI software, which is licensed via VLM. When I start to generate my specific nisuite.xml file, I get the message to use the parameter /groups. Unfortunately I do not find any hints how to use this parameter, the web page I found using the hints given in the pop-up window is not helpful for my case.


To specify my needs: I am using an Academic license and I want to generate an automatic installation for computers in a lab, which should all have the same installation, independent from the user. Therefore it would be fine, if every computer would get his license automatic without any input during the installation.




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Message 1 of 6

Hi Michael,


the process for creating silent installers with different options for VLM- or non-VLM- based installers

is described in these KBs:










please walk throug the process and try it out.



Marco B. NIG

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Message 2 of 6

Hi Michael,


I remember having had a similar (maybe the same) problem. I think, the group parameter does not appear anywhere in the documentation.

At the moment, I have no access to what I did back then, but I remember I had to experiment with the /groups parameter.


I think I used either /groups  or  /groups none on the command line


But don't beat me if it's not.... 😉 As soon as I remember, I'll let you know!




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Message 3 of 6

Hi Michael,


I guess you tried creating the spec file usind something like


setup.exe /generatespecfile c:\temp\spec.ini


If you get an error concerning groups you might want to try


setup.exe /generatespecfile c:\temp\spec.ini /groups ""


Can you check if this works for you?


Good luck



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Message 4 of 6

Hello Oli,


meanwhile I found a hint on a NI webpage (don't ask me whichh one). The solution there was similar to yours, to use the parameter


/group {}


in the call of setup.exe. This worked fine.


Thank you for your answer!





Message 5 of 6

Think thats from here:


Why am I Unable to run a Volume License Installer Silently Without Using Groups?

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Message 6 of 6