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SLUGs meeting for May converted to virtual meeting, Tues, May 19

Hello all!  In lieu of the Q2 / May in-person SLUGs meeting at Fresh, we are conducting this as a virtual meeting on Tues, May 19. Given the disruptions from COVID-19, we thought it was best not to encroach on the evenings with another virtual call, so we are moving this into the late afternoon / “happy hour” time slot.


If you have not received a calendar invite from me via email, please message me at justin.cooper@ni.com and I'll make sure to add you to the list.


Our guest speakers will be Darren Jones and Ryan Yu from the DMC offices in Chicago. Here’s the topic from Darren:

“Join DMC for an introduction to SystemLink, and learn how it can help you manage your systems, track your tests, and get more value from your data. In this presentation, we'll go over SystemLink capabilities and benefits, do a deeper dive into how to configure a remote device, and look at how DMC delivered a recent data management solution.  Learn how to leverage this powerful tool for tangible benefits for yourself and your organization.”


Meeting format:

  • 3:00-4:00pm Technical presentation on SystemLink from Darren and Ryan of DMC
  • 4:00-4:30pm Technical Q&A  / discussion
  • 4:30-5:00pm (optional) Stick around for socializing / virtual happy hour for as long as people want to chat


Looking forward to seeing you there!


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Date of the virtual meeting is Tuesday, May 19, 3:00-4:30 Pacific.

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When is your nest LUG meeting? will it be virtual?

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@andy_glass the next Seattle LabVIEW User Group (SLUGs) meeting is set for August 11, 2020. Given the rising cases of the pandemic, it seems like this will again be a virtual meeting in August. We'll be working to set the agenda soon for that meeting. Do you have any topics you are interested to see presented, or any that you are interested to present yourself?


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Thanks for the info.


Any presentation on design patterns/architectures. An interesting one would be original dataflow method versus the new event driven architectures such as DQMH

I have been interested in this as the methodologies over the last few years has been steering the dataflow methodology out and a more abstracted approach in. This kind of goes against the original principles of Labview training.

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