08-21-2013 05:46 AM
08-23-2013 12:35 AM
Find ZIP File containing Vis for WWC #16.
Q1 and Q2 Vis.
I am not sure about Q2, displaying characters on XY Graph. I have displayed "PBP" as per my understanding.
Kindly give feedback on the same.
08-23-2013 06:28 AM
Dear PBP
You have done fantastic job in above VI, but i found one bug in this VI.
the bug is inside question 1. The bug is when we write any float value or only .(DOT) sign inside the AGE box then the UNIVERSITY is changed to COMPANY.
08-23-2013 07:08 AM
Hi Krunal,
Thanks for the feedback.
Bug removed.
08-24-2013 02:08 AM
Please find my VI's attached in the zip.
I hope have attached it correctly this time
.. Last week Lost the chance to participate by attaching a wrong Vi
08-24-2013 02:30 AM
Hi, Very well made VI for Q2. KUDOs.
08-24-2013 09:52 AM
Thanks PBP,
N all d best to u too,,,
08-25-2013 10:49 AM
Hi Webcast Wednesday team,
Please Find the Attachment below for the webcast wednesday 16 and also find the Document .
User Name: Admin
Password : NIDay
This is the username and password to enter as Admin.
The Admin can Assign limitations for the User Account like Allow Character,Special Character, nubmer and also Can view User Detail.
Admin Have permission to Edit and Save user Information.
I am awaiting for your valuable feed back.
08-25-2013 10:50 AM
08-25-2013 10:56 AM
Good Attempt Perticularly your Solution for second question.
I am tring to get Arc like Yours but i could not.
Really i am impressed.
Keep it Up.
Thanks ,