West Sweden LabVIEW User Group

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Next LVUGM in Lund and online November 18

In the South Sweden LabVIEW User Group we have posted an event. Since it's online also you in west Sweden can join 🙂

Wednesday, November 18 2020

Time: 15:30 - 17:00
Location: Scheelevägen 32 (DVel AB) or online


15:30 - Introduction
Presenter: TBD


15:45 - Design Patterns Series - Model View Controller
This is the second session in a series about different design patterns in LabVIEW.
Presenter: Martin Peeker, DVel AB


16:15 - Q & A
Ask LabVIEW or related questions for the group to answer or discuss.
Moderator: Martin Peeker, DVel AB


16:45 - Summary and plans for the next meeting
Presenter: TBD

Let us know if you want to join at the DVel office. We will let a few people participate on site.
Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.se/e/south-sweden-labview-user-group-meeting-tickets-124670098621

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Message 1 of 5


I am preparing for CLA Exam. I have some questions from ATM sample exam-Solution(LV 2013).Can we discuss during this meeting.




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Message 2 of 5

Hi Chandra!

Yes, I think there will be room for that in the Q&A. If you want you can post the request in the https://forums.ni.com/t5/South-Sweden-LabVIEW-User-Group/gp-p/5392?profile.language=en

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Message 3 of 5

Hi Karin

Thankyou for the information. We can discuss during Q&A session. I would like to open the ATM sample exam-Solution(LV 2013) code in my PC and discuss. Is it possible to share my screen during Q&A session?

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Message 4 of 5

Yes, it will be possible to share your screen at the meeting during the Q&A.

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