We will host an LVUGM in the South Sweden User Group. Since it's digital in these times you are also welcome to participate.
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Time: 15:30 - 17:00
Location: Online (Google Meets)
15:30 - Introduction
Presenter: Peter Norlén, Axis
15:45 – OOP
Presenter: Stefan Davidsson, DVel
16:15 - Q & A
Ask LabVIEW or related questions for the group to answer or discuss.
Moderator: Peter Norlén, Axis
16:45 - Summary and plans for the next meeting
Presenter: Peter Norlén, Axis
Let us know if you want to join at the DVel office. We will let a few people participate on-site.
Sign up here:
https://www.eventbrite.se/e/south-sweden-labview-user-group-meeting-march-2021-tickets-144653413253 (edited)