West Sweden LabVIEW User Group

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Welcome to a digital LVUGM hosted by South Sweden UG


We will host an LVUGM in the South Sweden User Group. Since it's digital in these times you are also welcome to participate.


Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Time: 15:30 - 17:00
Location: Online (Google Meets)


15:30 - Introduction
Presenter: Peter Norlén, Axis
15:45 – OOP
Presenter: Stefan Davidsson, DVel
16:15 - Q & A
Ask LabVIEW or related questions for the group to answer or discuss.
Moderator: Peter Norlén, Axis
16:45 - Summary and plans for the next meeting
Presenter: Peter Norlén, Axis

Let us know if you want to join at the DVel office. We will let a few people participate on-site.

Sign up here:
https://www.eventbrite.se/e/south-sweden-labview-user-group-meeting-march-2021-tickets-144653413253 (edited) 

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