Western PA LabVIEW Users

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Looking to hire a LabVIEW developer

Robomatter Inc. www.robomatter.com is looking to hire a LabVIEW programmer for a project that it is working on for NI's education group.

Robomatter is a $2M a year company that spun out of Carnegie Mellon.  Robomatter owns www.robotc.net and has many synergies with Carnegie Mellon's Robotics Academy

Robomatter supports the Computer Science and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics education sector by develop training solutions.

The project will involve project management, working with a team developing LabVIEW training materials, and porting Robomatter's Robot Virtual Worlds to LabVIEW.

Salary will be commencerate with experience. 

Interested applicants should send their resume to Robin Shoop at rshoop@robomatter.com

Thank you for your consideration.


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