10-12-2024 05:38 PM - edited 10-12-2024 05:51 PM
DELACOR 社の "D" が冒頭に冠された、LabVIEWのリファレンスデザインです。
Queue Message Handlerが基本となりますが、複数モジュールの並列実装やモジュール間通信等、
先日開催された日本のLabVIEWイベントから端を発し、Sergioを介して Hampel Software Engineering の @joerg.hampel より、
LabVIEW Champions Member Profile - Joerg Hampel
10-12-2024 08:30 PM
10-15-2024 09:48 AM
10-16-2024 12:51 AM
このモジュールは、WindowsとLabVIEW RTのアプリケーション間でコマンドや測定データをやり取りするゲートウェイとして機能します。
10-17-2024 09:58 PM
DQMH : 小規模なアプリ開発でDQMHを使用しましたが、普段は未使用です。
10-21-2024 06:33 AM
「Clone VIを効率的に開発し運用する」という観点で、DQMHは優れていると感じています。
開発のしやすさ、メンテナンス性、ドキュメントなど (Antdoc)、一からプロジェクトを開発する場合と比べ、非常に効率的に作業ができます。
10-21-2024 06:36 AM
We have received great feedback from Japan users. With the help of a translation tool, you too can read the comments.
While we understand the usefulness of DQMH, we commented that we are using the original QMH,
and that the initial hurdles are high due to the lack of Japanese-language resources.
They also mentioned specific problems they are having, such as how to debug Clone VI.
I would personally like to know what percentage of projects in Japan should use DQMH.
I also feel that it is preferable to know and be able to choose between using QMH and DQMH rather than having to struggle without knowing DQMH.
I would like to talk somewhere about what ideas can be taken for the next Japan User Group Meeting.
10-21-2024 06:21 PM - edited 10-21-2024 06:22 PM
@Tepig wrote:
We have received great feedback from Japan users. With the help of a translation tool, you too can read the comments.
While we understand the usefulness of DQMH, we commented that we are using the original QMH,
and that the initial hurdles are high due to the lack of Japanese-language resources.They also mentioned specific problems they are having, such as how to debug Clone VI.
I would personally like to know what percentage of projects in Japan should use DQMH.
I also feel that it is preferable to know and be able to choose between using QMH and DQMH rather than having to struggle without knowing DQMH.
I would like to talk somewhere about what ideas can be taken for the next Japan User Group Meeting.
On my previous visit to the user group at NI Japan, i talked to multiple developers and it became clear how not having content available in Japanese is impacting us as a community. It was nice to see the positive impact it had when i talked about tools such as DQMH or Antidoc. The language barrier is evident, but i can see this changing very soon.
10-22-2024 09:31 AM
@Tepig wrote:We have received great feedback from Japan users. With the help of a translation tool, you too can read the comments.
Thank you so much for helping with all this, Yusuke, and thanks to everybody here for your candid feedback. Please continue to help us understand your situation.
I appreciate that the language barrier is a huge one, and I have no good ideas right now for how to mitigate it, other than starting to work with all of you on creating content that is easily consumable for speakers of languages other than English. I think our documentation at https://documentation.dqmh.org is a good starting place, as it is friendly to translation tools.
As for technical boundaries and limitations, I would LOVE (capital letters here!!) to get a chance to discuss these with all of you. I have a very strong feeling that DQMH is superior to the native QMH pattern in many, if not most aspects - especially for debugging cloneable modules - and I would be surprised if I was proven wrong (although that has been known to happen in the past :-p).
We'll be in touch soon!
DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshops (Fab, Steve, Brian and me)
Release Automation Tools for LabVIEW (CI/CD integration with LabVIEW)
HSE Discord Server (Discuss our free and commercial tools and services)
DQMH® (Developer Experience that makes you smile )
10-22-2024 05:12 PM
I second everything @joerg.hampel said
Joerg and I are willing to present at a User Group Meeting. I know that I would be biased as the lead architect for DQMH, it is my baby after all... But Joerg decided to make it the main tool they use at his business. I believe that he could present to you his perspective as a business owner and an Alliance Partner as to why DQMH is his favorite tool in his toolbox.
I convinced Joerg to be part of the DQMH Consortium because he is committed to the success of DQMH, it is that important to his business.
I was surprised to see some of the comments here, the one that surprised me the most was finding that debugging cloneable modules was hard. DQMH is the only tool I know that makes debugging cloneable modules easier, thanks to the DQMH API Testers.
Thanks for all your feedback and we hope we can make DQMH more accessible for LabVIEW developers in Japan and elsewhere.
Best regards,