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Control the LED and thermocouple

I want to buy the NI product to control the LED and thermocouple. What products should I buy to achieve this function?

Thanks for your help.

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Message 1 of 5

There are a lot of devices that covers your requirement, in order to narrow it down, please elaborate how this Thermocouple and LED will be used, what level of accuracy and resolution do you require and what is your budget ?

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Message 2 of 5

Also a thermocouple is an input, so you cannot really control it with software (Unless you mean Peltier :D).


(You can control the reading using a hair dryer or a block of ice )


Thermocouples typically need a special circuit (cold junction compensation and amplifier, example), so you need an analog input derived from the thermocouple voltage and a digital output to drive the LED.


For low accuracy requirements, maybe all you need is an Arduino and a thermocouple shield. 😄

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Message 3 of 5

Thanks for your help.

I plan to buy the NI product to modulate the LED to realize the switch function(on/off) in different time periods,  and acquist temperature(0℃-400℃) from the type-K thermocouple. I also want to add a fan to the system, when the temperature reaches the settled value, the fan will start to work and close when the temperature decrease to room temperature. My budget  is 20,000$.

I find a paper that uses the National Instruments (NI) 6009 8-channel module and 9212 16-channel thermocouple modules for voltage power supply to the white LED and temperature acquisition from the type-K thermocouple, respectively.

Here is my question.

1. In order to achieve high accuracy measurement, I want to by USB temperature measurement kit with NI-9213 and cDAQ-9171. I plan to buy this type-K thermocouple (see in the picture). Does this connection type of thermocouple suitable for NI9213?



2. Which product of USB-6XXX serious suitable for controlling the LED and fan a the same time? In my experiment, the sample is illuminated by the LED, when the temperature reaches the settled value, the fan will start and the led will close. when the temperature decreases to room temperature, the led will open again and the fan close.  Also, the intensity of led can be controlled by the USB-6XXX.


3. What type of LED should I buy to connect the USB-6XXX? The LED connection cab has 4-Pin M8 Connector on one Side and 4 Bare Wires on other Side(see in the picture). How should I do to connect it with the USB-6XXX? 



4. Which product of USB-6XXX has the PWM function? I can use it to control the fan's speed. Of course, this is not necessary. The open and close of the fan are enough for me.


5. I see the product of USB -6XXX can output the 5V voltage(Maximum). does this mean the voltage of the LED and fan should be smaller than 5V? 


6. If the voltage of the LED and fan is larger than 5V, what should I do to connect the USB-6XXX? Which product of USB-6XXX can provide the larger voltage 10V or more?


7. I will buy the USB-6XXX and USB temperature measurement kit with NI-9213 and cDAQ-9171, Can these products connect to the computer at the same time? So I can use the NI-9213 and cDAQ-9171 to measure the temperature and use the USB-6XXX to control the fan and LED.


8. Can I use the USB-6XXX to connect 2 LEDs and 2 fans at the same time?


9. How could I buy the product of NI? I am from Saudi Arabia, Can NI assign a person to contact and to discuss and place the order.


10. After I buy the product from NI, will NI help me to design the code in Labview to control the LED and fan?

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Message 4 of 5

Thanks for your help.

I plan to buy the NI product to modulate the LED to realize the switch function(on/off) in different time periods,  and acquist temperature(0℃-400℃) from the type-K thermocouple. I also want to add a fan to the system, when the temperature reaches the settled value, the fan will start to work and close when the temperature decrease to room temperature.


I will buy the USB-6XXX and USB temperature measurement kit with NI-9213 and cDAQ-9171, Can these products connect to the computer at the same time? So I can use the NI-9213 and cDAQ-9171 to measure the temperature and use the USB-6XXX to control the fan and LED.



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Message 5 of 5