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Help with making a component

Hallo Everyone,


I am new to this forum, and also new to Multisim and Ulitiboard.

I am a first year student of mechatronics in the Netherlands, and I have the assignment to make a pcb-design.
The pcb has 8 LED's powered by a ULN2803A IC, and we will controlled it by the digital I/O of the myDAQ.


I have some trouble with making the IC.
First I tried to make the component using the component wizard in multisim. But it asks me for a SPICE-model and I don't know where I could find that.

After that I tried to make the circuit from the datasheet, and use that as a subcircuit.

But when I transfered it to ultiboard, I got all the components of the subcircuits instead of the IC.

So could someone help me?

ps. sorry for the bad English.

I will attach what I have so far...



Tanks in advance.



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Message 1 of 9

Hello Karsten,


This post seems to be a duplicate of the following post:


Do you have to design it for yourself or would you be ok with using something that already exists (and was made by some else not from NI)?
I found several examples of spice models online (Google) .

One of them can be found over here:


Kind Regards,
Thierry C - CLA, CTA - Senior R&D Engineer (Former Support Engineer) - National Instruments
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Message 2 of 9

Thanks for replying, 


How do I ask the Moderator for closing the thread, I couldn't find it.
We don't have to make the SPICE models ourselfs, but it is not explaind or learn to us how to make a component, we just have to find out ourselfs.

And the models on the link you gave me don't seem to work, or I am probably doing something wrong.

I get lot's of errors when I use these files in the model data for the simulation.


Kinds Regards,


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

Hello Karsten,


Can you show me your attempt based on those models?


Kind Regards,
Thierry C - CLA, CTA - Senior R&D Engineer (Former Support Engineer) - National Instruments
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Message 4 of 9

Thank you for replying,


I have attached the SPICE-model, that I have made of the subcircuit I got from the datasheet. 

Those are also attached.

Thanks for helping me out!


Kinds Regards


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9

Hello Karsten,


Thanks for sharing the files!


Based on these files I noticed that it is actually a  school assignment.

Instead of just fixing the issue I would like to make sure that you understand what went wrong.


First things first:

- Did you Google the sentence "create component in multisim"?

  There are many pages online.
  The first one where you could start is the following one:

- Do you understand why you receive the message "there are more model pins than component symbol pins"?
  Do you understand the difference between model pins and component pins?

  In the beginning of the Component Wizard you have to specify how many (symbol) pins you have.
  I am guessing you selected "2" based on your received message.

  I don't really understand why you would should to have 2 symbol pins when you have 10 Model Pins.
Please help me understand why you chose to use 2 symbol pins instead of 10+ symbol pins.

Either the differenece between symbol pins and model pins is not really clear or you just forgot to change this value.


Kind Regards,
Thierry C - CLA, CTA - Senior R&D Engineer (Former Support Engineer) - National Instruments
If someone helped you, let them know. Mark as solved and/or give a kudo. 😉
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Message 6 of 9

Hello ThiCop,


Thanks for replying,

I have asked to a second year student, and now I see the problem between de model pins and the simulation pins. 

I have red the link you send, but I still can not find the solution of the problem.

I have indeed selected 2 pins for the symbol pins, because I thought I had a ic of nine sections.

I have tried to make a single section component with 18 pins, but I had also a error.

Then I tried to make a multi section component with 9 sections and two pins per section, but that didn't work also.

I suppose I have a mistake in the SPICE model. But since we haven't got any form of lessons on that I don't know how to fix it.

Thanks for all the help.


Kinds Regards,



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Message 7 of 9

Hello Karsten,


What errors do you get in the mentioned 2 use cases?

- "I have tried to make a single section component with 18 pins, but I had also a error."

- "Then I tried to make a multi section component with 9 sections and two pins per section, but that didn't work also."


The reason I'm asking is because I could make a component if I selected 10 pins (and 1 segment/section) for the component.

Kind Regards,
Thierry C - CLA, CTA - Senior R&D Engineer (Former Support Engineer) - National Instruments
If someone helped you, let them know. Mark as solved and/or give a kudo. 😉
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Message 8 of 9

Hello Thierry C,


I don't remember which error I got exactly, but today I have been working on it the whole day and I think I have it now.

I have attached the files.

First I made a hierarchical block from the eight sections on the datasheet, then I made a SPICE model from it.

I have now made a single section component with 18 pins, and used the SPICE model from the hierarchical block, then I added the connections to the spice model and the it worked!
So I made also a PCB design, with integration of the mydaq.

Thanks for all the help!


Kinds Regards,


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Message 9 of 9