10-29-2021 01:16 AM
I am newbie to LabView. I am working on piezoelectric pressure sensor from which I need to calculate Time vs Voltage when pressure is being applied. The open-circuit voltage of my sensor in multimeter shows reading of 60mV. I connected my sensor to myDAQ and acquired the voltage signal on waveform chart. It shows voltage from -10 to +10V (the voltage range kept in myDAQ properties). Attached the connection diagram and DAQ properties that I kept in Labview. How to view the accurate voltage that is coming from my sensor in Labview. What are the modifications that I have to do to my connection diagram.
11-01-2021 05:02 AM
one hint to your piezo sensor:
typically the output of such sensors is a force/pressure propotional charge.
Together with the capacity of the senor and cable and input this results in a voltage which depends also from your setup.
the common way to avoid the cable influence is to read such sensors is charge amplifier ..
11-01-2021 10:32 PM
So can I connect my piezo sensor output to charge amplifier and then to the DAQ system.
11-02-2021 02:56 AM
@Abanah wrote:
So can I connect my piezo sensor output to charge amplifier and then to the DAQ system.
that's how it is usually done 🙂
what model of sensor and CA do you use?
11-02-2021 03:07 AM
I made a flexible pressure sensor for which I need to analyse time vs. voltage. I have to design a charge amplifier using amplifier IC, resistors and capacitors. Can you suggest some simple charge amplifier circuit that can amplify 0-200 mV. What should be the output voltage so that the DAQ can read it..