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an error occurred in building ip builder?

When i build ip builder there is a compilation error as the picture. What should i do? Please help me


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Hi Xiaconggo,


I've got the same problem using a FlexRIO 7961 with 5734 module.

It produces a link error in Xilinks Vivado compiler :

ERROR:Simulator:861 - Failed to link the design


I'm using LabVIEW 2015 with Xilinx Vivado 14.7 and Xilinx ISE 14.4.

Apparently it comes from the Xilinx tools not running under WIndows 8 nor Windows 10.

So your FPGA Compiler can normally compile your code, but apparently the IP Builder compiler cannot.

I would suggest to try this build with a Win7 computer.



LabVIEW Architect - Founder and CEO - Phalanx
Tout le succès d'une opération réside dans sa préparation. - Sun Tzu
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