04-14-2015 01:48 PM
Trying to read data from GPS sensor,I get error -1073807339 at VISA READ.Timeout expired before operation completed.
how can I solve it ?
12:02 PM
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01:19 PM
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Hello merie15,
A BFFF0015 error ( or error -1073807339) is a timeout error (Of course). The first thing you should do is to verify you can communicate with the device outside of LabVIEW. You can use NI MAX to help you with this. . The purpose of this is to make sure you've got your communication parameters set up properly and your cable is OK. Perhaps you have the documentation on the device to see the pinout of the cable wheter if is USB or Serial? Depending on this we can perform a loopback test (Serial) to send commands and validate that the communication is performed correctly. It should tell you what termination characters, if any, need to be used when you send a command to the device, and what termination characters, if any, are sent by the device to indicate the end of a response. Depending on this it could also mean that the amount of data you are sending and the amount of data that the VI is supposed to read is slightly higher. Therefore a timeout occurs due to the fact that it is missing data. Does this make sense? Anyway, Check this knowledge based document which explain more in detail this topic.
04-16-2015 05:35 PM - edited 04-16-2015 05:37 PM
Hello IronBrotha,
Thank you for your help.
I have another problem now :the data frame acquired from the GPS sensor is incorrect.
How can i correct it ? Thank you .
04-17-2015 02:16 PM
Hello merie15,
I hope you are haing a good day.
Ok I see the that the GPS output seems corrupted. Since this is a different issue, I would reccomend to start a new thread, with perhaps a more detailed information on your code and the output you expect to receive.
This because, we can have a better control on different issues and not mixed topics in one post, and also to give it better visibility and easier access to the community, as you know forums are a helpful way to get information from the whole community of NI users, given the fact that probably and possible someone has encountered this type of issues before. As for the output of the application you are running, have you tried debugging it? see the outputs of the functions and use probes to the see the actual information on each line. Does the connection between the GPS device appears to be correct? Can you access it trough Windows Device Manager? I am guessing this is a third party device, there I would corroborate that the device is communicating correctly using the Windows Device Manager.
Kind regards
Sigi D.
04-20-2015 01:56 PM
Hello IronBrotha,
Thank you for your reply.It works perfectly now.
It was a configuration issue.
Thank you so much for your help.
04-20-2015 02:10 PM
I am more than glad to hear that.
have a good day
Application Engineer
05-03-2015 11:18 PM
hi guys,I have a problem look like you,here:Error -1073807339. Timeout expired before operation completed
,I try do anything,but no results,I hope u help me,i have no time,thanks you so much
05-03-2015 11:34 PM
11:44 AM
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01:20 PM
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Please review the following document:
Warm Regards,
Sigi D.
02:42 PM
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01:21 PM
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Hello thangle,
For me, it was a wrong settings so try to verify the Baud Rate, Data Bits, Parity, Stop Bits, and Flow Control using VISA configure Serial Port VI .Also ,make sure that you have installed the NI serial driver.
this link can help you :