03-22-2022 12:25 PM
I am trying to use MyRIO to measure sound pressure level using an electret microphone connected to the audio input and the Sound and Vibration Toolkit (all software version 2019)
I am using the FPGA high throughput personality to acquire at 44kHz as shown attached
Then I scale the signal, I apply frequency weighting and I compute the LEQ using the appropriate VIs from the S&V Toolkit
But if I select A-weighting the "SVT A, B, C Weighting Filter (Fixed Rates) VI” generates an error (shown in the attached file). If I select linear no problem. Of course I have also tried updating “channel info” accordingly
Any ideas why? Are there any incompatibility issues between MyRIO and SV Toolkit?
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Best regards
04-26-2022 09:51 AM
If I understand your question correctly, you have a myRIO, you wrote some software for it, and when you run it, the program throws an error in some circumstances.
I might be interested in trying to duplicate your program's behavior (in order to understand the error better), but I would need you to provide the entire LabVIEW Project (preferably by compressing its Folder and attaching the resulting .ZIP file). A picture of your Block Diagram alone is of little use.
Bob Schor
04-28-2022 10:16 AM
Hi, yes sure. Please find attached the complete proejct and code
There is also something strange with the SVL Exp Avg Sound Level VI, and this has nothing to do with MyRIO because it also happens in a PC (I attach a separate file for PC). If a run this VI and I generate a continuous sine signal with the sound card the sound pressure has abrupt changes at the beggining of each acquirisition window despite the value of the "restart averaging" input