11-05-2012 12:42 PM
I have installed the Biomedical Startup Kit 3.0 with Labview 2009 (on Win XP Pro) in order to generate some synthetic ECG signals. When i try to run the signal generator for synthetic ECG it fails and returns the message "under construction".
I also have the Configure Simulate ECG Signal.vi file, however I don't exactly know where and how to use it.
I read a similar previous post (http://forums.ni.com/t5/Life-Science/simulate-ecg-signal/td-p/892345), but unfortunately solutions posted there don't help.
Would appreciate it if someone could advise, which steps am I missing.
11-05-2012 08:11 PM
Biomedical Startup Kit now is obsoleted. Please download the latest Biomedical Toolkit. You should find a Simulate ECG Express VI in LabVIEW palette after installation.
11-06-2012 01:54 AM
I noticed that the startup kit has been replaced. But it would still be helpful if it could be used at full functionality.
If I understand correctly, the latest Biomedical toolkit requires preinstalled Labview 2012. Is that correct?
Or is it compatible with LV 2009?
11-06-2012 02:02 AM
Yes, it requires LabVIEW 2012 if you would like to use the VI palette. For executables, no software is required. Why not try LabVIEW 2012 with more performance and usability? You could download LabVIEW 2012 evaluation version as well.
11-06-2012 04:52 AM
The system will be upgraded to the latest version in the next few weeks.
But in the mean time, I successfully installed the LV RTE 2012 and then the Biomedical toolkit (executables).
When I try to run the biosignal generator, the error "Load fail! Please reinstall the software!" occurs.
Other modules of the workbench seem to work fine.
Any suggestions?
11-06-2012 07:20 AM
Oh, and of course - reinstalling doesn't help
11-11-2012 11:34 PM
Do you still have this issue? Since signal generator requires DAQmx software, you could try to reinstall or install latest Driver CD.
12-28-2012 05:23 AM
could you help me?
My computer is win7,4G memory,3.1Ghz.
I want to reconstruct from 161 slice 2-D CT pictures。
each slice is about 154k size in 512*512 JPG.
Why is is always saying “Not enough memory to complete this operation”??
Is there any way to cut its need on computer memor?
Thank you very much!!